Abstract Submission

Opens: January 20, 2025
Closes: February 24, Postponed to March 3, 2025
Notification: March 24 Postponed to March 31, 2025

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Yes, you are welcome to submit abstracts even if you’re not a NOPHO member. Click here to learn more about submitting an abstracts as a NON-NOPHO member

You are welcome to submit an abstract to the annual meeting between 20 January – 3 March, 2025.

Much of the success of any meeting depends on the quality and range of abstracts. We are interested in giving an opportunity not only for the invited speakers but also for everyone interested in sharing their work and enthusiasm with colleagues.
Please consider submitting an abstract either reporting scientific work and reporting recent innovations or interventions, results, or case studies within the scope of the meeting.

Abstracts on all aspects of pediatric hematology and oncology are welcome.
Abstracts must be submitted in English via the NOPHO abstract form. Please see Recommendations for the Authors for abstract submission requirements.

Abstracts are automatically forwarded directly to the abstract committee. They are reviewed anonymously (authors and affiliations unknown to the reviewers) and then selected for oral presentation, poster presentation, or publication in the programme book only. Posters may be presented orally in “Rapid Fire” sessions. Please indicate your preferred presentation format, if any.

You will receive a notification of acceptance and mode of presentation on March 31, 2025, in time to register for the early bird fee. Young researchers and Young NOPHO members with an accepted abstract will be able to register for a reduced fee.

At the Annual dinner, the NOPHO Scientific Committee will award the NOPHO Prize to the best Abstracts presented by Young investigators. As young investigator will be regarded medical students, PhD students, and postdoc researchers without permanent clinical position.


Please be advised that any abstracts submitted or modified after March 3, 2025, 
will not be reviewed and included in the Annual Meeting in Riga, 2025.

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